France’s foreign minister accused Iran of violating the terms of a United Nations Security Council resolution that calls on it to not to develop ballistic missiles, Reuters reported Monday. “We will also have the opportunity of underlining our firmness on Iran’s compliance with United Nations Resolution 2231, which limits access to...

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When Federica Mogherini, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs  finally spoke up about the protests that have recently roiled Iran, she didn’t speak up for freedom and demand that the government  respect the rights of the protesters, but rather, she offered a non-judgmental “we expect all concerned to refrain from...

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A leading legislative architect of previous sanctions against Iran has described the proposed Congressional legislation as the “gold standard” in fixing the weaknesses in the nuclear deal with Iran that President Donald Trump demanded last week, Axios reported on Thursday. Richard Goldberg, a onetime aide to former Sen. Mark Kirk...

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The news reported earlier this week that German police are seeking ten Iranian agents tied to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has prompted the American Jewish Committee (AJC) to call on Germany’s foreign ministry to expel Iran’s ambassador, Benjamin Weinthal reported Wednesday in The Jerusalem Post. Germany’s government protested...

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It is difficult to expose the truth and seek justice when there is no trust in the legal system and there’s a lack of judicial independence facilitating impunity. Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman fought against all odds and was murdered in his quest for justice. In 1997, Nisman became involved in...

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A report from a United Nations panel found that remnants of missiles used in Yemen’s civil war originated in Iran, showing that Iran did not block the transfer of ballistic missiles to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, in violation of a UN Security Council resolution, CNN reported Monday. UN Security Council Resolution...

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German police raided locations in several states seeking members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force for allegedly spying on Jewish and Israeli targets, Benjamin Weinthal reported Tuesday for The Jerusalem Post. Citing Focus, a German online magazine, Weinthal reported that the ten individuals being sought are considered dangerous because the...

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When President Barack Obama was interviewed by The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg in 2015 about the soon to be agreed on nuclear deal with Iran, Goldberg pressed the president on the wisdom of trusting Iran to act rationally, he responded: Well the fact that you are anti-Semitic, or racist, doesn’t preclude...

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Germany has allowed Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, the former head of Iran’s judiciary accused of crimes against humanity, to flee the country on Thursday for Iran, after the cleric received medical treatment for a brain tumor, Benjamin Weinthal reported in The Jerusalem Post. آيت الله فراري! — Potkin Azarmehr...

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The recent protests against the Iranian regime have been fueled by the corruption of the government that has ruined Iran’s economy since the 2015 nuclear deal Lee Smith, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, wrote Wednesday in an analysis for Real Clear Investigations. Smith described the protests as political but...

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