Following a weekend during which Israeli officials warned that Iran was preparing to use proxies to attack northern Israel in retaliation for an airstrike against an Iranian airbase in Syria, a former Israeli national security advisor asserted that for any Iranian attack “there will be consequences.” Maj.-Gen. (Ret.) Yaakov Amidror...

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Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terrorist group that exerts political and military control over Lebanon has won a “decisive” electoral victory and emerged stronger as the result of the first parliamentary elections held in that country in nine years, Reuters reported Monday. A coalition constituting Hezbollah and allied parties – including Amal, another...

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Iran has maintained a significant interest in Iraq for many years, acting as a safe haven for dissidents from Saddam Hussain’s regime and, following the 2003 intervention, taking up a role as both a major political actor and providing support to Shiite militias who targeted coalition forces and the country’s...

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An Israeli satellite company has published photographs of “unusual” activity at an Iranian enrichment facility, a week before President Donald Trump will make a decision whether or not to continue America’s participation in the 2015 nuclear deal, The Times of Israel reported Thursday. ImageSat International published the photographs of Iran’s...

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Morocco is cutting diplomatic ties with Iran over the Islamic Republic’s support for a rebel group, Reuters reported Tuesday. Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita told reporters that his nation was expelling the Iranian ambassador and would close its own embassy in Tehran due to Iranian support for the Polisario Front,...

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Two nuclear weapons experts said that the Israeli revelations about Iran’s nuclear program show a more extensive enterprise than previously thought and could prompt the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to step up its inspections of Iran, NPR reported Tuesday. David Albright, a former weapons inspector and current head of...

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On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed new dramatic intelligence about Iran’s covert nuclear weapons program, which shows the country is not complying with the JCPOA. Netanyahu displayed excerpts of some 100,000 files Israel recently obtained from a highly-secret compound in Tehran detailing Iran’s long-held nuclear ambitions. Iran lied...

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During a dramatic press conference Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that Israeli agents had broken into a secret Iranian facility and spirited out a half ton of documents showing the history and extent of Iran’s nuclear weapon program. The evidence, Netanyahu said, showed conclusively that Iran had lied about...

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Intercepted messages reveal the Qatari government paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in ransom money to free nationals captured while on a hunting trip in Iraq in 2015, including to groups regarded as sponsors of terrorism. A report in The Washington Post revealed that Qatar made secret payments totaling...

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Israel had broken into a top-secret Iranian installation and recovered thousands of documents showing that Iran had “brazenly lied” and remains committed to a clandestine nuclear weapons program despite the 2015 nuclear deal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a press conference Monday. Hailing the recovery of Iran’s “atomic...

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