Last Wednesday, Hoover Institute fellow Fouad Ajami criticized how some diplomats and journalists have “… isolated the nuclear issue from the broader context of Iran’s behavior in the region.” On the same day Washington Institute fellow Matthew Levitt described three decades of Iranian terrorism, including terrorism targeting American overseas and...

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Syria’s almost three year war has become a regional conflict in which Hezbollah is providing the elite fighters that the Bashar al-Assad regime requires to battle in Syria’s most violent areas, according to statements made yesterday by IDF Northern Corps commander Maj.-Gen. Noam Tibon. The Iran-backed Lebanese terror group has brushed aside repeated calls...

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Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida is reporting that the Israeli air force on Tuesday destroyed a shipment of missiles near the Syrian-Lebanese border and bound for the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah. If confirmed, the interception would not be the first time that Jerusalem has reportedly acted to enforce its long-declared red line...

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The White House today issued a statement marking thirty years since a Hezbollah suicide bomber attacked the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and 3 soldiers in the “the deadliest single-day death toll for the U.S. Marine Corps” since World War II. New York Governor Andrew...

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Syrian National Coalition President Ahmad Jarba is signaling that elements of the Syrian opposition will boycott proposed peace talks unless the negotiations’ goal is to facilitate the removal from power of the Bashar al-Assad regime, after Assad stated that not only is he not considering stepping down, but that he sees no reason why he shouldn’t...

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Israeli-Nigerian ties have both deepened and broadened in recent years, after a relative low point four years ago when Nigeria’s then-foreign minister made a point of publicly castigating his Israeli counterpart. Half a year later a new Nigerian government under Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan took over. Abuja subsequently increased both...

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Hezbollah has for decades justified its military and political domination of Lebanon by insisting that it had to maintain its arsenal in order to defend Lebanese territory from Israel. That brand has been shattered, however, by the organization’s critical fighting in Syria on behalf of the Iran-allied Bashar al-Assad regime....

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Hezbollah’s participation in the Syrian conflict – where the group has been critical in allowing the Bashar al-Assad regime to erode years of opposition gains – had long ago drawn heated condemnation from across the Arab world. Even efforts by the Iran-backed group to demonize Israel are being met with...

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Hezbollah allies are scrambling to fend off charges that the Iran-backed terror group is pushing underwater drilling in order to manufacture a conflict with Israel. Hezbollah’s brand as a Lebanese organization protecting Lebanese territory from Israel has been shattered by its involvement in the Syrian conflict on behalf of the Bashar al-Assad...

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A fifth indictment for the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, issued last week by the United Nations-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), is refocusing attention on what Foundation for Defense of Democracies fellow Tony Badran once described as the “nifty conceit” that Hezbollah is a stabilizing...

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