Just a day after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah spoke of “coffins of Israeli soldiers,” the organization has thrown into disarray internal Lebanese talks about a national dialogue. The Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV said the reason for the party’s boycott of the Dialogue session was what it termed [Lebanese President Michel] Suleiman’s...

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DefenseNews recently highlighted the capabilities of Iran’s navies, the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy (IRIN) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy (IRGCN). While neither navy is a major threat in conventional terms both are threats, especially in the Persian Gulf region, due to their “ability for irregular warfare.” A...

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Al-Monitor on Thursday reported that top House lawmakers are in the early stages of drafting terror-related sanctions – the outlet described any legislation as “a work in progress” – that would target Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors due to the group’s global terror activities and its fighting on behalf of the Bashar al-Assad...

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National Journal on Wednesday conveyed details of what the outlet described as an “explosive” hearing held that day by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which saw senators from both parties “eviscerate” Obama administration officials over what Sen. Bob Corker described as a “delusional” understanding of the Syrian conflict. Corker leveled the characterization at Tom...

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Israel’s enemies – led by Hezbollah and Hamas – will possess precision guided missiles within five years, according to the country’s former prime minister, Ehud Barak. “We will continue to see many more missiles, a lot more accuracy, and within five years the missile will reach a maximum level of...

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The only way for Israel to defeat Hezbollah is via a ground offensive, according to a senior source in the Israel Defense Forces. The assessment comes in light of the terror organization’s ever-widening power base across southern Lebanon and further north. Hezbollah is probably the world’s largest, most sophisticated, wealthiest...

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Violence generated by the Syrian conflict spilled across both the Turkish and Lebanese borders on Monday and into Tuesday, deepening worries not just that chaos will splash beyond Syria but also that other actors may be drawn into the fighting. A series of incidents erupted between Turkey and Syria, including one that saw Syrian...

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Iran reacted angrily on Sunday to a Canadian court ruling ordering the seizure of millions of dollars of Iranian property and bank assets. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said the ruling had “no legal value,” with the Iranian news agency Tasnim explaining A court in Canada’s Ontario has recently...

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Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam condemned the latest armed clashes to erupt on the streets of Beirut as increasing numbers of factions and individuals get their hands on weapons, threatening the stability of country and trying to drag Israel into the regional conflict. There is little or no central security...

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The Israeli army moved overnight Tuesday to restore deterrence along the country’s border with Syria, launching air strikes against multiple Syrian army installations after a steady stream of attacks against Israeli military personnel in March culminated on Tuesday in a roadside bombing that injured four soldiers. This month had already seen three...

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