Yesterday the Palestinian Authority announced the formation of a unity government together with the terrorist organization Hamas. Though State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki announced that the U.S. would “work with” the new regime, Israeli officials as well as an array of U.S. lawmakers are deeply skeptical that doing so would be...

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While Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says it will be business as usual with Israel after the expected formation of a new Palestinian government this week, one of Hamas’ leading officials told reporters on Saturday that security cooperation with Israel will not continue. The Hamas-Fatah unity government was sworn in earlier...

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The Lebanese-Shiite Hezbollah may have set up a branch in the Gaza Strip, according to the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar. The flag and logo of an organization that was launched a few days ago in the Gaza Strip suggest a Hezbollah now exists in Gaza. The organization is called al-Sabirin (the...

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A “top-ranking overseas operative of Hamas” was arrested last week, according to a report Friday in the Times of Israel. The operative gave Israel’s internal security agency, the Shin Bet, details about how Hamas operates inside of Israel. According the report, Mahmoud Toameh “gave the security agency a wealth of details” on...

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English-language Arabic media outlets on Thursday conveyed reports that Saudi Arabia had officially implemented the Kingdom’s first financial sanctions against Hezbollah, months after the Saudis – along with allies inside the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – had designated the Iran-backed terror group and committed to moving against its financial assets: The Saudi Interior Ministry withdrew...

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Lebanon’s Daily Star on Wednesday conveyed a statement from the anti-Hezbollah March 14th coalition blasting the organization’s chief Hassan Nasrallah over a recent speech in which he had among other things doubled down on Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian conflict: The March 14 coalition Wednesday slammed Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hasan...

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The Daily Star yesterday reported on a speech given by Hezbollah’s deputy leader, Sheikh Naim Qassem. “Israel is the main enemy,” said Sheikh Naim Qassem. “But the tactical priority depends on the direct threat, so our confrontation with takfiri groups derives from the direct danger they represent, and it does...

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NOW Media reported Thursday that the Lebanese parliament had failed for the fifth time in a row to successfully elect a president, after Hezbollah-linked parliamentary blocs again boycotted the relevant session and prevented a quorum from forming. The months-long crisis – which has seen the Iran-backed terror group leverage its political power to consistently stymie...

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NOW Lebanon senior journalist Ana Maria Luca on Wednesday rounded up assessments from top analysts regarding congressional progress in advancing the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act of 2014, which was introduced last week in the Senate after parallel legislation had begun making its way through the House of Representatives: “This...

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Israel’s left-leaning Haaretz on Monday quoted a Hamas source describing the terrorist organization’s vision going forward under a possible unity government: A Hamas source has said the model being planned for the new Palestinian unity government is that of Hezbollah in Lebanon, in which the organization is a government party that has...

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