A just-published analysis by Washington Institute fellow Eric Trager argues that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has “doubled down” on efforts to secure power and that the Brotherhood-linked Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) is likely to prevail in the country’s upcoming but still unscheduled parliamentary election. He outlines an array of Brotherhood tactics...

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Reflecting on his recent interview with Jordanian King Abdullah II, The Atlantic national correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg described the monarch as “decidedly unimpressed” with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. The King spoke candidly with Goldberg on a range of issues, but expressed particular frustration that Morsi fixates on Israel – rather than on Palestinian...

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The Tower has learned that just days before President Barack Obama arrives in Israel for discussions on sensitive regional issues, a high-ranking group of Egyptian army intelligence officers has made a quiet trip to Israel to meet counterparts. The discussions this week come at a time of increasing strain between Hamas, the Iran-backed terror group based in...

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Egypt’s ruling Muslim Brotherhood movement has denounced a UN report aimed to end violence against women and girls worldwide, calling the report “deceptive” and aimed at undermining Islamic mores. “The Muslim Brotherhood calls on leaders of Islamic countries, their foreign ministers and representatives in the United Nations to reject and...

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Israeli sources who spoke to The Tower today described a “Cold War” being fought in the media between Egyptian authorities and Hamas, as Hamas announced that it was suing [Arabic] an Egyptian news outlet over a report linking the group to a Sinai Peninsula attack that killed 16 Egyptian soldiers. Hamas...

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Egyptian security services have halted the screening of a documentary exploring the lives of early 20th century Egyptian Jews, telling its producer that a security agency wanted to review it. The film, titled Jews of Egypt, was set to debut this week in local cinemas. Producer Haytham el-Khamissy posted a...

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Egypt is facing the possibility of a spiraling economic crisis after the country’s Muslim Brotherhood-linked government on Tuesday declined an emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund. Cairo requires the assistance in order to bolster an increasingly severe shortfall in its currency reserves, which recently fell below critical levels: [R]eserves...

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Egyptian Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim is admitting that the country’s police forces are straining to contain protests sweeping the country, though he’s insisting that the government of Egypt will not yield ground to Islamist vigilantes and militias: “From the minister to the youngest recruit in the force, we will not accept...

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Another video of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials calling for the eradication of Israel has been unearthed. This one shows Saad El-Katatni, now chairman of the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), calling for “the destruction of Israel” and declaring that “the peoples are ready [for] jihad.” The footage was taken at...

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McClatchy foreign policy reporter Hannah Allam is tweeting that the State Department will defer presenting an International Women of Courage Award to Egyptian Samira Ibrahim in light of lingering questions over several controversial tweets written by Ibrahim. A scandal over the award broke open yesterday, when The Weekly Standard published...

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