A majority of Palestinians believe that the Palestinian Authority should reject efforts by the Obama administration to “bring Palestinians and Israelis back to the negotiating table without any preconditions,” according to a poll published by the Ramallah-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. The question wording accounts for concessions, explicitly outlining that U.S. efforts would include “an economic plan and a focus on negotiations on borders and security.” No dice:

Nearly half of all Palestinians also continue to support “armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel” (46.8%), with the number exceeding 65% for Gazans:

On Monday the Palestinian Authority’s news agency accused “Israeli fanatics” were preparing to destroy Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock in order to construct a Jewish temple.
Secretary of State John Kerry is set to return to the region this week for his sixth peace process-orented visit since March.