Forget about whether it's a good idea. JONATHAN SCHANZER asks if it's even possible to build a Palestinian state on profiteering, violent turf wars, and widespread hatred of elected officials. If not, then we have a very big problem.
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The novelist, photographer, and wife of Israel's finance minister has a tough message for modern women: Don't believe in fairy tales, and know whom you can trust. BETH KISSILEFF interviews the author of 'Woman of Valor.'
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Not so long ago, people on both sides of America's political divide saw democratic revolution as a serious basis for US policy in Iran. What happened? MICHAEL LEDEEN calls for reopening that conversation in the wake of the Geneva debacle.
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Of all the early Zionists, nobody saw the coming Holocaust as clearly as Vladimir Jabotinsky. RICK RICHMAN explores the resonance he had with Americans, the army he almost built, and how his untimely death may have changed history.
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Twenty years after the dramatic handshake on the White House lawn that heralded the Oslo Accords, peacemakers are still insisting that you lose nothing by trying. As BENJAMIN KERSTEIN shows, they haven't learned a thing.
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Off the coast of the Israeli port city of Ashdod, a whole new kind of fishery has emerged, where Mediterranean sharks swim with whole schools of tuna and sea bream. AVIRAM VALDMAN went there with his camera—and a whole lot of guts.
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