From every perspective—legal, historical, and common-sense—Israel's claim to permanent sovereignty in the territories captured in 1967 from the country formerly known as Syria is airtight. EYLON ASLAN-LEVY explains.
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Mahmoud Abbas has inspired the Palestinians for more than a decade. But as EDY COHEN shows, his worldview was built on a radically distorted view of history. What could this mean for the prospects of peace?
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NATHAN JEFFAY explores the lives of Europeans who risked their lives to save Jews in the Holocaust, and then made their own lives in the Jewish state.
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ANNIKA HERNROTH-ROTHSTEIN traveled to Iran, where she discovered a government apparatus dedicated to instilling fear in every citizen, even more insidious than that of the Soviet Union.
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Tower photographer AVIRAM VALDMAN took his camera to Israel's deep south, where, surrounded by an intimidating landscape, tourists go to forget their troubles.
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