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Israel Forced To Take Military Action if Assad Regime Attempts Transfer Of Non-Conventional Weapons to Hezbollah

Israel will be forced to take military action if the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad attempts to transfer portions of its non-conventional arsenal to Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border, according to warnings issued on Sunday by Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren. Using language that echoed Israeli warnings regarding the transfer of advanced weapons to Hamas on Israel’s southern border, the ambassador described the transfer of chemical weapons as a “game-changer.” Israel largely eliminated Hamas’s stockpile of Fajr 5 missiles in the opening minutes of its Operation Pillar of Defense last month, demonstrating that Israeli intelligence had been able to track, identify, and target the advanced arsenal. There are now indications that Israel is engaged in a similar “secret war” to map the locations of Syria’s biological and chemical weapons arsenal.