Egyptians support the Iranian regime developing nuclear weapons, even though they view Iranian nuclear weapons as a serious threat to Egypt, a new poll sponsored by The Israel Project has found. In the poll (Charts), based on face-to-face interviews of 812 Egyptian adults conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, 61 percent of the respondents said they support Iran developing nuclear weapons; 30 percent opposed. In 2009, only 41 percent of Egyptians supported Iranian nuclear weapons compared to 34 percent opposed. However there is a growing sense of insecurity – 90 percent of the respondents said Iranian nuclear weapons could be a serious threat for Egypt, compared to 2009 when 62 percent of Egyptians said so. Likely a result of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, 87 percent of those surveyed agreed that Egypt, despite enormous financial problems and $8 billion in debt, should put its resources into developing nuclear weapons. “Very scary to people opposed to proliferation of nuclear weapons, let alone to unstable countries in the world’s most turbulent part of the world, is the 87 percent who want Egypt to build nuclear weapons,” TIP CEO Josh Block said.