
The cases of American father and son Baquer and Siamak Namazi, two Americans who were recently sentenced to ten years in prison by Iran, show that the Islamic Republic “may hope that its prisoners can eventually be exchanged for lucre,” The Washington Post editorial board wrote Thursday. The Namazis were convicted of “cooperating with the hostile U.S. government,” as...

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Iran is in the midst of a three-day air war drill using American planes, the Washington Free Beacon reported Tuesday. “The goal of holding this drill is the creation of readiness so as to be able to combat any threat, and should a war occur, the Air Force will be...

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Private documents released by WikiLeaks show that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton held significantly different private views on Middle East policy than President Barack Obama, Eli Lake of Bloomberg View reported Monday. In the transcript of a speech given to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago in 2013, Clinton rejected the idea that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was...

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Iranian-American father and son Baquer and Siamak Namazi have been sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of collaborating with a foreign government, the Mizan news agency, which is controlled by the Iranian judiciary, announced Tuesday. Siamak Namazi, a businessman who advocated for closer ties between the U.S. and Iran, was...

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A conglomerate controlled by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is poised to reap huge profits from new oil deals after the country’s petroleum market was opened up in the wake of last year’s nuclear deal, two researchers at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies wrote in a policy brief on Tuesday. Saeed Ghasseminejad and Amir Toumaj...

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The U.S. Chess Federation took a stand in support of U.S. women’s champion Nazi Paikidze-Barnes, saying Thursday that it would support her boycott of next year’s world women’s championship in Iran due to the Islamic Republic’s mandatory dress code for women. Paikidze-Barnes, 22, said she would rather boycott the contest than...

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