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Egyptian Court Sentences 27 Year Old To Three Years Of Prison For Insulting Islam

An Egyptian court has sentenced a 27 year old Copt, computer science graduate Alber Saber, to three years of prison for insulting Islam. Saber’s trial and conviction, which revolved around accusations that he uploaded sections of the anti-Mohamed film “Innocence of Muslims” to the Internet, have deepened concerns over the persecution of religious minorities in post-Arab Spring Egypt. This weekend Egyptians will go to the polls to begin voting on a new draft constitution, which was rushed through Egypt’s Islamist-dominated constitutional assembly almost a month ago. The draft has been criticized by women, religious minorities, liberals, and other opponents of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood-linked President Mohamed Morsi for emphasizing Islamic law and failing to sufficiently protect religious and civil liberties. The upcoming vote was linked to violent clashes which broke out on Friday in Alexandria.