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Palestinian Opposition Emerges to Abbas’ Statehood Gambits

Internal Palestinian opposition is emerging to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ continued efforts to achieve statehood through acceptance in United Nations bodies.

Agence France-Presse reported:

“Hamas is totally opposed to any return to the UN Security Council by the Palestinian Authority,” spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement.

“Such a step would be political foolishness which plays a dangerous game with the destiny of our nation.

“Mahmoud Abbas and the leadership of the Palestinian Authority should completely stop this political foolishness,” Abu Zuhri said.

Several PLO factions also objected to the recent unilateral Palestinian UN resolution, irritated that Abbas was not consulting the PLO on such major decisions.

Nonetheless, Reuters reports that Abbas is in discussions with Jordan about submitting a new resolution in 2015. After the vote for approval by the UN Security Council failed, Abbas may be hoping for a better result as the countries newly installed as non-permanent Security Council may look at the Palestinian bid more favorably. However, the United States has made it clear that it will veto any statehood resolution even if it would be supported by a majority of council members.

Al-Jazeera mocked this eventuality. A cartoon (Arabic link) published by the network’s website portrayed Abbas entering the Security Council room with a bucket of water balanced on the door, symbolizing the expected American veto.

[Photo: WochitGeneralNews / YouTube ]