Municipal elections take place Tuesday (October 30) throughout Israel. The race for mayor in Jerusalem is the talk of the town, and the residents of the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo apparently have gotten caught up in campaign fever.
The animals are busily preparing to get out the vote by brushing beaks, combing feathers and fluffing fur — not in support of the human candidates but of their own democratic elections.
The zoo management has announced that six “animal parties” are in the running for the leadership of the zoo and aquarium, to be decided on the basis of a popular vote by human visitors aged three and up.
The zoo expects a large crowd on Election Day because it’s a national holiday and schools will be closed.
Here are the party platforms:
The Barn Owl Party proposes flipping the work schedule from day into night in order to overcome the oppressive traffic jams in the capital city.
The Elephant and Rhinoceros Party promises a “solid Jerusalem.”
The Pelican Party promises to build a nest for everyone affected by the city’s shortage of affordable housing.
The Giraffe Party is offering a green leaf to each voter as a bribe.
The Lion Party vows not to be stopped in its quest for leadership no matter what.
In the zoo’s affiliated Israel Aquarium next door, the Jellyfish and Octopus Party guarantees “absolute transparency” in the voting process.
The polling station in the zoo garden will be open from 11 am to 4 pm, free to anyone paying the regular admission price (one vote per visitor). Results will be published about two hours after the ballot box closes.
(via Israel21c)
[Photo: Israel21c ]