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Kuwaiti Columnist: Iran, Not Israel, is the Enemy of Gulf States

The Iranian regime is the real enemy of the nations of the Persian Gulf, whereas Israel is a “friendly state,” columnist Abdallah Al-Hadlaq wrote in the Kuwaiti government newspaper Al-Watan. His colum was translated today by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

To all those who think the Persian state (Iran), and the regime of the Rule of the Imprudent,[namely] the dictatorial fascist Persian regime which controls it, is a friendly country, whereas Israel is an enemy country, I say that a prudent enemy is better than an imprudent one. The state of Israel and its various governments have waged more than five wars with the Arabs, yet never in the course of these wars did Israel think to use its nuclear weapons against its Arab enemies. Conversely, if the Persian state, with its stupid, rash and fascist regime that hides behind a religious guise, ever develops nuclear weapons, it will not hesitate to use nuclear bombs against the Arab Gulf states in the first conflict that arises.

“Israel is a friendly state that does not endanger us in the Arab Gulf region and we have nothing to fear from it. The one who threatens us, carries out acts of terror and destruction against us, and aspires to occupy us is the arrogant Persian enemy, represented by the regime of the Persian state (Iran), which is the incubator and supportive environment for global terror.

“Hence, I repeat my call to form a Israel-Gulf friendship society, as a first step towards developing and strengthening [our] ties with the friendly state of Israel in the domains of politics, diplomacy, trade, education and military and civilian cooperation. The rapprochement between Israel and the Gulf should be accompanied by a gradual distancing and severance of all ties with the Persian state (Iran) and its fascist Persian regime, now that it has been proven beyond all doubt that the Persian Iranians are involved in acts of terror, destruction and bombing in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait and the UAE, and after it has been proven that they incite and support the Shi’ite Houthi rebels in Yemen, and that the Shi’ite Persian Iranian militias are involved in all the hotspots of terror and conflict in the Arab Gulf and the Middle East, such as in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and throughout the world.

Al-Hadlaq’s reference to the “rule of the imprudent” is a play on the term “rule of the jurisprudent,” the form of government established for Iran by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini after the Islamic Revolution.

MEMRI noted that Al Hadlaq has been blacklisted in the past for his anti-Iranian and pro-Israel stands.

[Photo: Alhashemiphotos / YouTube ]