Intel has announced that it is buying Replay Technologies, an Israeli startup that aims to re-invent the way people consume and interact with sports media. The price tag of the acquisition was not reported.
“More than ever, everything in sports is becoming digital and measurable,” Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said in a blog post. “This will fundamentally change everything we know about the way athletes perform — and the arenas in which they compete.”
Replay’s proprietary freeD format uses high-resolution cameras and computer-intensive graphics to let viewers see and experience sporting events from any angle.
Intel has collaborated with Replay Technologies since 2013. The technology was most recently used during the NBA All-Star Weekend last month.
The Israeli company’s freeD technology “created a seamless 3-D video rendering of the court using 28 ultrahigh-definition cameras positioned around the arena and connected to Intel-based servers,” Intel said. “This system allowed broadcasters to give fans a 360-degree view of key plays – providing thrilling replays and highlight reels that let fans see the slam dunks, blocks and steals from almost every conceivable angle.”
Replay Technologies was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Israel.
“We are extremely excited with this transaction, which we believe will be a winning proposition for everyone involved,” Replay Technologies CEO Oren Yogev said in a statement. “The strategic fit between our two companies is a powerful combination; the Replay team is enthusiastic about joining Intel. This transaction will allow us to accelerate Replay’s advanced technology plans, offer advanced services to our clients and provide increased opportunities to our employees,”
Krzanich highlighted Intel’s collaboration with Replay during his keynote address at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show in January.
[Photo: NBA / YouTube ]