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Israelis Ante Up for ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

There is no way Bostonian ALS sufferer Peter Frates could have known that people across the world would take him up on his ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. But after the former Boston College baseball star called on his athlete friends to dump buckets of ice water over their heads to raise money and awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the neurodegenerative disease also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, the campaign spread to the world of celebrities, politicians and the general public, helping raise a total of $22.9 million for the charity so far.

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge phenomenon is thriving in Israel, too. Television host Guy Lerer upped the ante as he decked out in a flak jacket and helmet before a tractor dumped half a ton of ice water over his head. Lerer was nominated by Rahav Rosenberg, who says on his YouTube clip that he wants to make the Ice Bucket Challenge in Israel as popular as the one in the US. Sholli Ber Kestecher, who immigrated to Israel from the UK, posted a video titled “ALS ice bucket challenge in Israel (under rocket fire).” As the title suggests, Kestecher has to do the icy deed quickly as he runs for cover.

The Ice Bucket Challenge requires anyone who undertakes it to nominate others. Israeli UN Ambassador Ron Prosor nominated UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, “who spends most of his time trying to break the ice between countries,” to answer the challenge. He also called on Israeli singer Rita to take part. Prosor quipped to the camera that taking the freezing-cold plunge was an easy choice for him, noting that he’s used to getting “a chilly reception in the United Nations.” (via Israel21c)

[Photo: piupiuCDO / YouTube]