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Israel Reported to Hit Hamas-Bound Rocket Arsenal in Sudan

The Jerusalem Post cited reports Monday that the Israeli military struck a Sudanese weapons stockpile last week.

Sources in Khartoum claimed on Monday that Israeli forces struck a weapons arsenal which held long range missiles for Hamas.

The Arabic-language UK-based newspaper Al-Arab reported that the government in Sudan is not confirming the incident in order to cover up relations with the terrorist organization in Gaza. Such ties could entangle the country’s president Omar al-Bashir with an accusation of supporting terrorism from the US and Western nations.

The attack, the Post reported, “came only hours after Israel accused the Sudanese government of storing long range missiles for Hamas.”

Sudan has long been suspected of being a way station for arms being shipped from Iran to its client Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Arms shipments and factories in Sudan have reportedly been struck by Israel in the past. In 2009, it was reported that Israel struck a convoy of trucks bearing arms to Gaza. Another two weapons convoys were attacked in 2001. An arms factory was reportedly targeted by Israel in 2012.

In March of this year, Israel intercepted the Klos-C, a ship with arms destined for Gaza, just off of Port Sudan in the Red Sea.

[Photo: myutubespace123 / YouTube ]